Grass roots Support Program


MBV is proud to announce its creation of a Masters Specific Grass Roots Support Program. This program is designed to assist Boxing clubs / boxers / coaches or just an Masters having it tough ............................................................ We have 5 x $500 cheques to hand out to to gyms who wish to nominate their club / a boxer or just looking to incorporate Masters within their gym.

Myself and WCHB BOXING
Would like to give a big shout out to the team at Masters Boxing Victoria MBV
Thank you so much for all you hard work and support you have provided over the year.
The hard work that goes in to each and every event it is absolutely A1 WCHB Boxing are looking forward to 2024...


Hi all, my name is Jenna and I'm the head coach at Edi Boxing gym. We are currently located in Mentone renting a space out the back of a local weights gym. We were originally training out of a scouts hall in Edithvale hence the name ‘Edi Boxing’. The floors were slippery, covered in possum droppings with a ring made of traffic cones and rope. We made it work with what little equipment we had. This is where Andrew prepared for his last bout. Fortunately we now have a better set up but have chosen to keep the name because the journey is important to us and we want to pay homage to where we started.

Since we started Edi Boxing we have seen so many people from different walks of life come in shy, alone and nervous for their first class. We have seen them grow, build friendships, improve their boxing and watched the sport impact their lives in so many positive ways. This is really where the motivation behind Edi Boxing begins where we are able to share our passion for boxing and to help others.
The majority of our group is over the age of 35 and we currently have two competitive boxers. Andrew (Masters) and Josh (Novice) but we hope in 2024 we can continue to grow and bring more people to MBV training days and get more involved in competition.
We are a very small group, we have alot to learn - I also have so much more to learn as a new, young coach but we work really hard and we do everything we can to improve in all aspects of boxing.
We are so incredibly grateful for the MBV community. Andrew getting to be involved with the training days has helped his development in a huge way. We appreciate Julie and Mark from K1 Kingdom who nominated us and have been nothing but kind to us for no other reason than them just being beautiful people. We love that MBV brings people together and unites us through boxing. Thank you so much to MBV for this grant. I am a full-time painter and spend my nights and weekend coaching boxing, it's my dream one day to just do coaching. Getting a grant like this shows we are on the right path and encourages us to keep going. It means more than you know.
Thanks again,
From the team at Edi Boxing.


Thank you to Masters Boxing for this amazing support. Power Gym has been a terrific home and support to me personally and to our Masters crew. Masters are well part of the team at Power, and we feel as though it is our home away from home. We share a great sense of support and community and team spirit. Recently the gym was gutted by fire, this support will help us with the regroup and rebuild. My team mate Chan and I set ourselves the challenge of going for fights at the Master Blasters show - it was a great thing to do! We made it - and two wins and this grant support from MBV, what a boost for us all, thankyou Masters Boxing, see you at the next one!! 


DL Boxing & Fitness
Massive thanks to masters boxing Victoria for choosing our gym to receive donation for some new equipment we are extremely grateful and will put to good use! Thanks from everyone at DL boxing gym

JUST EMAIL MASTERSBOXINGVICTORIA@GMAIL.COM Add in text - Grass Roots Support program for further information

Support is here - don't be shy - just give us a call, we may be able to help.

Our email / our Phones are always on / The masters boxing community are a very special and amazing group - we can help each other so so much more than we realise.